Sunday, December 09, 2007
Are There Disadvantages of Having Hysterectomy at 40
The Question was
I've had severe periods, crampings, clotting, and hemorrhages in my lifetime, and as I get older I cannot handle it any more and have taken Provera, and pain pills, but my problems are severer than pills could take care of, and yes, I've gone to gynec.. 100s of times and had tests. They claim that I am too young to have a hysterectomy, but my problems are so severe that I cannot work, have mental health, and emotional problems as a result of my damned vaginal problems. Also, am a virgin so what would be the negatives about having one. No. Never plan to have children or marry as I am 39 now. Please I am in too much pain always to have a partner or children. I suffer terrible. Help
* 3 days ago
Additional Details
3 days ago
am a virgin.
My answer was
First of all, I am a male so that you know in advance that I cannot have or feel the same symptoms that you do. Know also that I am not against hysterectomies as such, as in 20% of cases that surgery is valid and unavoidable. However, hysterectomies can have the following negatives as you've put it:
Hysterectomy side effects are those little or not so little changes in your body, moods, general behaviour and lifestyle that will surely surface if you opt for the surgery, regardless of whether you want them or not. However "small" a hysterectomy might look, it will always be a major surgery, with effects lasting to the end of the life of the patient. The uterus is not only for "making children", it has a serious role in everyday hormonal life of a woman. It acts as a depot for hormones made throughout the night, and releases them throughout the day. Once the uterus is gone, the hormones have nowhere to go and are expelled with the first morning urine. From this hormonal disbalance, "surgical menopause" as it is called, arise all other problems in the patients body.
Hysterectomy Side Effects on the Vagina
The vagina may be shortened, scarred and/or dislocated by hysterectomy. Often, it ends up shorter than it used to be, especially if the cervix is taken out as well. (It may lead to curious situations: through my astrological practice, I once met a women with this condition, and after hysterectomy she had sexual relationship with a man with a small penis; he was hooked so much that she had to change the phone number in order to hide from him when she decided to break up the relationship!)
Hysterectomy Side Effects for the Heart
The decrease in producing of the hormones, especially estrogen, has serious consequences for the heart and blood flow. In the studies that were conducted in 1990's, the outcome was that estrogen prevented from having more serious problems with the heart. In a more recent study, from 2003 to 2005, which was controlled in contrast to those first studies, it says that women who use estrogen may face a slightly higher risk of heart attacks and strokes over women who do not use estrogen. This is an important new development so blindly taking hormones after hysterectomy is not a wise idea.
While this may be conflicting information, one thing remains clear: if you do take hormonal replacement therapy and smoke at the same time, the risks for your heart are much bigger than usual. If and while on HRT, don't smoke, and that's it.
Other patients that should not use HRT because of cardiovascular problems include those with
. active or chronic liver disease,
. previous diagnosis of breast or uterine cancer,
. a family history of breast cancer,
. active gallbladder disease,
. a history of blood clots, particularly in the legs or lungs,
. severe obesity,
. diabetes,
. abnormally high blood pressure,
. a history of stroke.
Hysterectomy Side Effects and Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is one of the most frequent consequences of hysterectomy. Estrogen production falls, but progesterone production falls even more, and this disbalance ends up as osteoporosis. The solution is to take (natural) progesterone back, usually in the form of a creme or as a homeopathic remedy.
Hysterectomy Side Effects and Joints, Muscle Pain and Immobility
Bone, joint and muscle pain and immobility is not frequently connected with the hormones, but that is exactly the mechanism. The solution is to regain the hormonal balance, and not to poison the patients with corticosteroids...
Hysterectomy Side Effects On Sex
Good sex depends on the proper hormonal mix, both in the male and in the female. If there is a so-called Estrogen Dominance, a state in which there is an unproportional difference in levels of estrogen as compared to the levels of progesterone, woman will lose appetite for sex, will not be able to be aroused sexually and so on. Please see our page on sex after hysterectomy, for additional information.
Hysterectomy Side Effects On Vaginal Dryness and Painful Intercourse
Lower levels of estrogen will produce vaginal dryness, a state in which penis cannot easily enter the vagina and the intercourse becomes painful. It can be painful both for the man and for the woman, each with his and her bag of problems. After a while, both partners agree that the intercourse is not possible, until something changes.
There are various solutions to this well-known problem. One is to apply lubricants, the other -- and much more fundamental at that -- is to remedy the hormonal disbalance. Yet another approach is to wait it out, later things may get better (this is my advice if the vaginal dryness can be seen in the natal chart as a transit of Saturn over natal Venus).
Hysterectomy Side Effects On Pelvic Organs
After the surgery, the uterus will not be there any more, and the surrounding organs will naturally fall in that place. At that, the bladder, bowels, and other pelvic organs can become displaced, which can lead to lifelong series of problems. Not all hysterectomies are "happy ones".
Hysterectomy Side Effects On the Urinary Tract
This is a similar problem: after the hysterectomy you may have frequent urinary tract infections, frequent calls to urinations, incontinence (the inability to hold urine for long). This can seriously disrupt the quality of life -- imagine not being able to go out of the house for fear of urinating all over yourself in public!
If the nerve that regulates the bladder is cut during the surgery, urinary problems will be with you to the end of your days!
Hysterectomy Side Effects In Digestive Disorders
Chronic constipation and other digestive disorders may result after the hysterectomy. Adhesions to the pelvic floor may happen, or some nerves can be cut in this area.
Hysterectomy Side Effects and Fatigue
You can expect profound fatigue after the operation, but for many women it will become a norm even after the operation is long gone. It is yet another possible consequence of surgical menopause. The key to resolving this again is finding the proper hormonal balance, either through herbal teas, homeopathic remedies or some other alternative method.
Hysterectomy Side Effects and Chronic Exhaustion
Chronic exhaustion can result from many causes, but it all boils down to overworked adrenal glands. Fix the hormones, and the rest will fix itself.
Hysterectomy Side Effects and the Loss of Short-term Memory
Loss of short-term memory after hysterectomy comes from the worsening of blood circulation in the brain. In menopause, it is imperative to retain good circulation in the brain and you should consider taking either pharmeceutical means or alternative medicine treatment. One of the best is Gingko-Biloba, you will feel refreshed in the brain, simply because the brain will have more food to work with.
Hysterectomy Side Effects and Hysterical Behaviour
After hysterectomy, you can expect your character to change for the worse. The word "hystera" in Greek means womb (uterus in Latin) and it was soon noticed that the women without a womb have blunting of emotions, personality changes, despondency, irritability, anger, reclusiveness and suicidal thinking. They easily break out in anger, talk in haste, oftentimes communicating more with their unconsciousness then with explicit words. It is exactly after these women that this entire way of behaving was called "hysterical".
Modern medicine views body as if it were a depot of broken parts and organs, impatiently waiting to mend it. So many doctors should know better, and yet they still think that the uterus is only babies to develop and then come out in pain. Once you've had your babies, you don't need it -- they say quite openly. Nothing could be farther from truth. Both the ovaries and the uterus function throughout the life time of a woman, and they never cease to take active part in the body. Living without them is abnormal, and unless there already is cancer developed somewhere, they should not be taken out.
Common Hysterectomy Complications
Here are some of the usual postoperative symptoms within two weeks:
Urinary tract frequency and urgency
In other words, you have much too frequent calls to urinate. Three things have to be checked for:
urinary tract infection, or
bladder spasms due to catheter irritation, or
small pelvic collections of blood near the bladder.
Incisional problems
Discharge or weeping of the incision in the first week or two,
itching or burning of the incision at 3-6 weeks,
pain that is localized to one side of the incision or another,
swelling underneath or to the side of the incision but different than the rest of the incision,
abdominal wall laxness, pot belly, bloated appearance.
Gastrointestinal problems
Increased "gassiness" immediately after surgery (treatable with simethicone tablets or liquid),
constipation treatable with stool softeners, flax seed,
loose stools (especially if antibiotics were given).
Vaginal problems
Bloody or odorous discharge for the first 1-4 weeks,
odor without much discharge (may require topical vaginal antibiotic cream if persists beyond a week),
vulvar burning or itching (usually just due to dryness and not a yeast infection).
Mood changes
Reversion to moods previously ignored due to furiosu tempo of every day life,
decreased libido,
increased feelings of stress and anxiety,
increased depressive symptoms
Pain and swelling or redness at the site of the intravenous needles;
pelvic cramps and catches somewhat sporadic in occurrence or related to increased physical activity.
General problems
Generalized allergic rash or itching to medications such as antibiotics or pain medicines.
There can also be so-called severe hysterectomy complications, which are not really likely, but do happen from time to time.
What to do now? Try to learn about the alternative methods to hysterectomy, on this page:
You are welcome to try my distant healing page at
* 2 days ago
This is my site about avoiding hysterectomy:
Once again, I don't say that everybody must avoid hysterectomy, I just say that you should at least have a look at what exists out there.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
The Best Answer to a Burning Yahoo Question
Broke wrist 48 hrs ago is there natural anti inflammatory / pain killer ?
is there a tea or supplements, anything natural other than time & ice that helps healing & pain & inflammation & swelling ?
ive added vita D recently like doc said to help absorb calcium
the ibuphrophen & is gettin to stomach even with food sometimes & percoset seems useless for pain.
it feels like a cars parked on my wrist
im ready to chew on dogs rawhide or plastic toy cause of the intense pain lol
My answer was chosen as the best by the asker:
As far as the homeopathical remedies are concerned, the following combination should help heal the wound from the inside out:
Arnica 200C
Bellis Perenis 200C
Hypericum 200C
Ledum 200C
Rhus Tox 200C
Ruta 200C
Also, Rescue Remedy from the Bach flower remedies will help immensely. I'd take it every 10-15 minutes until the shock and the pain subside.
Reiki will help very much in this situation, both the pain will be gone fast, and the wound will heal up to 8 times faster than it would usually do. Ask amongst your friends, if someone is Reiki, they can help you both by giving you treatments directly on your hand and via long distance. If you do not know anybody to give you Reiki, you can always have a long distance treatment from this page:
* 1 day ago
There is no shortage of sites and pages on homeopathy, Reiki and flower remedies, however, these are the pages that I wrote on my own:
Another good idea was to use the enzyme Serrapeptase, which also kills pain but is not as dangerous as ibuprofen, aspirin and other usual pain killers.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Crystal Healing
Crystal Healing With Real Crystals
If you have crystals, you can apply them as healing tools. It would more than suffice to have only quartz crystals, because you can "tell" them that they can act as if crystals of any other color. But, if you have any other crystal, from amethyst to charoit to agate to rodonite to amber to... all of that can be very useful.The most obvious way of using crystals is to put them on certain parts of the body. If the color of the crystal matches the color of the nearby chakra, so much the better. Crystals are known to balance the chakras of their own color, and once the chakras are balanced, any other healing will be more successful.
You can also put the crystals near you. There are different patterns -- the star of David, the double star of David, the circle etc. and you should experiment to see what is best in your situation. In certain cases, this means you should have 12 crystals around the body. Again, quartz is the cheapest and most readily available; and for some crystal healers, it is not the best but the only kind of crystals needed for healing.
After you put the crystals around you, lie down and be still. You should clearly feel the energies of the crystals working and after 15 or more minutes, the shift in your energies should be noticeable.
For problems of uro-genital system, the main chakras responsible would be the first and the second chakras, although it pays to have all the chakras balanced -- it really is the minimum for health, you know.
Endometriosis in the Natal Chart
Anyhow, on this page about Endometriosis in the Natal Chart, you will see how a professional medical astrologer Dusko Savic goes on about his work, how every little detail is explored and put up as a piece of a larger puzzle.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Alternatives To Hysterectomy
There are many alternatives to hysterectomy, and it all boils down to selecting some other surgical procedure, or to finding out some other way of healing.
Surgical Alternatives To Hysterectomy
If you want to preserve fertility and you have a case of uterine fibroids (myoma), go for myomectomy.
If childbearing is not important any more, you can opt for endometrial ablation, which destroys endometrium, the inner layer of the uterus, but preserves the rest of the uterus intact.
A relatively new method of avoiding hysterectomy is uterine artery embolization, often shorthened as UAE. Tiny particles are injected into the uterine arteries and fibroids connected to that artery lose food. The result is that the fibroids shrink and the symptoms disappear.
One way to avoid hysterectomy is to use uterine balloon therapy, in which a balloon is inserted into the uterus and the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus is destroyed. The entire method belongs to a family of methods called endometrial ablation so it pays to study them and see whether you are a candidate for one of these surgical alternatives to hysterectomy.
Adhesiolysis is cutting adhesions, tissue that binds otherwise separated pelvic organs. About 20% of women have problems because of such adhesions, which arise from an injury such as previous pelvic or abdominal surgery, infections, endometriosis, cancer or radiation therapy, intra-abdominal trauma, say from ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis etc.
Click here for the rest of the alternatives to hysterectomy, consisting of flower remedies, herbal remedies, homeopathy, Reiki, Su Jok, and radionics.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy Video
The surgeons made a tiny incision and entered laparoscopic instruments to be able to see the inside organs. The surgeons very delicately worked around surrounding organs, separating the bladder, lifting up the uterus, separating the ovaries and the Fallopian tubes, and the cervix. Having cut out the blood supply, the only thing that remained to be done is to take the uterus out. In the very end, they used an instrument called the morcellator to take out the uterus (the procedure itself is called morcellation).
The morcellator is a hollow tube with blades in the end. It cuts the uterus into long, thin stripes, and that is how the uterus, even when it is five times bigger than its normal size, can be taken out through a 1.5 cm excision.
One of the advantages of laparoscopic surgery is that incisions are smaller, and are closed with a glue; in contrast to that, classical open stomach hysterectomy is centimeres larger and closed with staples. Also, the cervix is preserved ("supracervical" can be roughly translated as "above the cervix", since only those parts of the uterus are cut away), which will later prevent the vagina from prolapsing and will enable better sex, or no pain during penetration throughout the intercourse.
Laparoscopic hysterectomy is fast becoming the de facto standard way of performing a hysterectomy, unles the woman has a bigger problem, such as cancer.
The surgeons in this laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy video were David Kmak M.D. and Paul Makela M.D. of WSU School of Medicine, filmed at Hutzel's Woman Hospital.
Click here to watch the Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy Video.Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Second Vaginal Hysterectomy Video
This second vaginal hysterectomy video (second on this site, that is) shows various phases of removing the uterus from the body of an old lady. If anybody out there thought hysterectomy were picnic, let them watch this short but bloody video and see what this is all about.
Vaginal hysterectomy requires that vagina be stretched and kept open by special instruments. The advantage is that no external incisions are made. There is one internal incision at the top of the vagina around the cervix. As the result, the vagina may be shorthened, which can have repercussions on the sex life later.
As this short video shows, the uterus and cervix are cut from their supporting ligaments and surrounding tissue, and then the connecting blood vessels are tied off. The next phase would be removing the uterus and cervix through the vagina (not shown on this video), which is then closed to prevent infection and to keep the intestines from dropping downward.
The video is 1:15 minutes long.
You can see a list of about two dozen hysterectomy videos, here.Sunday, March 04, 2007
Personal Healing Plan for Endometriosis
The woman in question has backache practically all her life, with each and every menstruation. 18 years ago she had laser ablation of the uterus. The pain subsided for two years, then gradually began to return, and now is debilitaiting. For pain, she was given Percocet, why she was still young, and sometimes it worked, sometimes it did not. In her mid-thirthies, she was given injections of Lupron, because the doctor was hoping to bring her into an early menopause. There was no pain during those six months, but as soon as the injections stopped, all the problems came back.
For years after that she was taking the pill in order to sedate the pain, and it was working to an extent. A few months ago, the doctor took her off the pill, and ever since then the back pain is making her miserable. For instance, she cannot sleep for two days and nights in a row, that's how the pain is acute.
In conjunction to all that, she works at home but leads a very stressful life, with no letup for the past three years.
Based on her natal chart, I have createa therapy that is bound to help her, read more about it on this page:
I have also made an store to make it easy for her to buy the remedies needed:
Finally, I have sent her to this page
to get free Reiki distance healing session. (You can get it too, if you go there.)
If you want a specially tailored endometriosis treatment for yourself, ask me about it.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Yoga And Menopause Video
Yoga and menopause video features Lennie Martin, a family nurse practitioner with specialty in women's health and Barbara Bingham, a Yoga teacher. With Pam Yung, Lennie authored a book on menopause, called Taking Charge of the Change: A Holistic Approach to the Three Phases of Menopause, published in 2001, while Barbara authored a DVD course Yoga for Menopause
To see the Yoga and Menopause Video at How To Avoid, click here.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Autofluorescent Laparoscopy Diagnosis of Endometriosis
Autofluorescent laparoscopy diagnosis of endometriosis is a new way of seeing where endometriosis is during the laparoscopy. Laparoscopy is the best procedure to diagnose and remove endometriosis. During laparoscopy, it is possible to see where the lesions are, however, under normal white light, tiny or hiddend growths (implants) may remain hidden from the surgeons's view.
Enter autofluorescent laparoscopy diagnosis of endometriosis -- instead of white light only, two filters, the blue and the green one, are used. The first video shows the principle:
Autofluorescent Mechanism
In normal laparoscopy, white light is reflected from the surface of the tissue. If a special narrow short-wave filter is added, the illumination light is reflected as blue (the so-called observation light.) However, the lesions are also blue, so another filter is added, a green one -- the observation filter. This maximizes the difference between the normal and endometrial tissues.
Click here to see four short videos on Autofluorescent laparoscopy diagnosis of endometriosis on site, February 14, 2007
Alternative Endometriosis Treatments
Are alternative endometriosis treatments any better then the conventional ones? Truth to be told, none of either will work 100% of time, but the former stand a better chance of healing you if they go deep enough, to eradicate the roots of the problem.
The Place of Homeopathy Amongst Alternative Endometriosis TreatmentsIn homeopathy, the goal is to find one remedy which covers almost all the symptoms present; when taken, the negative energy in the remedy counteracts the negative energy that is already making the patient ill, and just as
(-1) * (-1) = +1
the original "evil" energy leaves the patient. For chronic diseases, something more is needed -- the genetics needs to be mended first, and only then will other remedies and methods work. Inherited basis for the disease is called the miasm and homeopathy has access to several remedies that clear up the miasms, and thus pave the road to final healing.
For genital problems, the miasm usually is a sycotic miasm, and the remedy that best describes it is Medorrhinum. That is why that remedy should be given first, and then followed by some more specific remedies. However, Medorrhinum is not the only such remedy, so there are no hard and fast rules -- each patient still needs to be treated on her own.
Homeopathy can be very successful amongst other alternative endometriosis treatments, but -- BUT -- it takes a really good homeopath to make things work.
The Place of Su Jok Amongst Alternative Endometriosis Treatments...
Click here to see what I recommended as a practical alternative endometriosis treatment at
Endometriosis Treatment
Conventional Endometriosis Treatments
Conventional endometriosis treatments have no theoretical background to call upon. They think it has something to do with wrong auto-immune answers inside the body, but have no means of acting upon that idea. Then they say, your hormone mix is wrong, let us fix that and see what happens. That still is not curing the root of the disease and no wonder so many women are terrified when they hear this diagnosis.
Alternative Endometriosis Treatments
In alternative endometriosis treatments you go deeply to cure the cause.
With homeopathy, you eradicate the genetic weakness that makes you susceptible to all kinds of warts, tumors, and other gynecological diseases.
With Su Jok, you can send healthy energy directly to the diseased organs and mend them without the surgery.
With herbal treatment you can fix the internal flow of energy and then there will be no more endometriosis, usually within a few months time.
Give yourself lots of Reiki and the pain will both subside while you will be healed at the same time.
Finally, through medical astrology, it is possible to come up not only with a battery of healing methods that will best heal you, but it is also possible to predict when the endometriosis will get worse, and what should be done then in order to preserve health.
For more on endometriosis treatment, see
-- internal bleeding,
-- degeneration of blood and tissue shed from the growths,
-- inflammation of the surrounding areas, and
-- formation of scar tissue.
In addition, the growths can interfere with the normal function of the bowel, bladder, intestines and other areas of the pelvic cavity. Endometriosis has also been found lodged in the skin, the lungs, the diaphragm and even the brain.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Crystal pendulums can be very nice, from those made out of clear quartz to amethyst, rose quartz and what have you. Crystal pendulums will usually have many facets, while metal pendulums are usually more like cones or tear-shapes.
Some pendulums are hollow so that you may put something in it. It may be water, say with a homeopathic or flower remedy in it, or a witness that directs the energy towards its source. For instance, if you put somebody's hair into the pendulum, then such a combination should, in theory, be sensitive enough to diagnose the vibrations of that person, long distance, that is, even when the person is not physically present.
There are other shapes as well, one of which is the Eqyptian form, which is, they say, used for magical purposes... I personally prefer crystal pendulums, because they add their own frequency to the healing, but "empty" pendulums such as quartz or brass may be better for diagnosing.
Also, you may opt to have one "larger" pendulum to diagnose and clear the space in house, while using the other "smaller" pendulum to work with chakras.
To see a video of dowsing using a circular diagram, click here.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Endometriosis Treatment
Here is what conventional medicine has to offer when you suffer with endometriosis. The sheer variety of suggested ideas for endometriosis treatment tells us that, officially, there is no "cure" for endometriosis the way Western medicine would like it to have. (When they say "there is no cure" for endometriosis, they mean "we are very sorry that we cannot have one single product to sell to all those possible customers out there".)
Actually, endometriosis is a mislabel since the term only tells us how your problem began, but fails to inform on how to solve it. In some patients, menopause (natural or surgical) will abate the process. Note that hysterectomy is often offered as a cure for endometriosis, but if the symptoms are not concentrated only on the uterus, hysterectomy will solve nothing.
Before embarking on conventional treatments of endometriosis, let me say that through medical astrology it is possible to pin down the mix of standard and alternative therapies which will help the individual. In particular, homeopathy and Su Jok have the power to heal endometriosis on their own. Homeopathy will do that by eradicating the genetical imbalances that weaken the body, while Su Jok, if hands of a master, will eradicate the symptoms.
Once again, all these three methods, medical astrology, homeopathy and Su Jok will help you only if applied individually to you. Each endometriosis patient is different and so should the corresponding treatment be.
Click here to read the entire article on endometriosis treatments.Dowsing
Using Dowsing
Assuming that you can dowse, here's what you can do with it:-- You can check whether the remedies you take are good for you or not.
-- You can check the food that you eat.
-- You can use radionics machines to see what remedies are appropriate; you also can diagnose your illnesses.
-- You can deal with chakras directly. If a chakra is not working properly, you can use pendulum to bring it back to normal. This does happen (the patient gets better) only at your expense. If you use this way to heal someone who is very ill, you may expect to pay it with your own good energy. Actually, in dowsing your finest spiritual energy is being spent and you should not do it ligthly or too often.
-- You can use diagrams to gauge the patients state directly. For instance, if someone has high blood pressure, you can dowse over a diagram to see the exact pressure without any actual measurements.
-- Through radiesthesia (selecting one out of many alternatives with a pendulum) you can create unique and powerful therapies. For instance, you can select all the methods of healing that are appropriate for the patient, then within one method, say, homeopathy, you can select one or more remedies which will cure the patient. When you make a remedy on a radionics machines, you can again check (with a pendulum) whether that remedy is good for the patient and so on.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Vitalzym Resolves Uterine Fibroids
Vitalzym is a new supplement with the power to shrink uterine fibroids for good. This is very significant, because up to now, medical profession and pharmaceutical industry have not come up with a remedy -- a kind of a "pill" -- for uterine fibroids. And we, of course, know, that about 200.000 hysterectomies are done in the USA because of fibroids only!
In one regard, enzymes are just like vitamins -- necessary for moving energy around in the body and for transforming it from one form to another. The reason everybody knows about vitamins and that not that many people know about enzymes is that, historically, first it became possible to make and market artificial vitamins, while artificial enzymes became widely available only in the last decade or so. Now that is possible to make long chains of enzyme particles, practically all enzymes can be synthetised and thus used to the benefit of all.
Vitalzym guards against the formation of fibrin, cleanses the blood of debris, helps the immune system, promotes blood circulation and will help the body to repair damaged tissues, such as post-operative injuries, cuts and bruises. It will also reduce swelling and inflammation, which often alleviates pain, and can help with arthritis or chronic back pain.
For gynecological purposes, it will often work wonders for your fibroids. In one case that I do know first hand, the patient had a myoma 13 cm in diameter, and taking Vitalzym for several months did bring it back for a few centimeters. At the time of this writing, the case if far from being closed, so I'll write about it when the new data becomes available. In general, the whole procedure of shrinking the fibroids with Vitalzym will last from 3 to 6 months.
Vitalzym "eats" the fibrin in the body, and the fibroids are formed of fibrin. It also seems to help with Endometriosis and Fibrocystic Breasts.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Operative Hysteroscopy For Intrauterine Adhesions Video
The video first shows the uterine cavity as the the surgeon sees it on the video screen. This cavity is small and distorted because of the adhesion, due to a scar on the inside wall of the uterus. The adhesion divided the cavity into two parts. The surgeon cuts through the adhesion with a hysteroscopic cutting knife, which uses electricity. The goal is not only to resect the adhesion but to eliminate the scar itself.
Once the resection was done, the video shows how the uterine cavity opened up and normalized the uterus. This woman will undergo further IVF treatment, but now her chances of conceiving are greatly increased, since the uterus is almost normal now.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Radionics and Energy Healing
It turned out that every remedy, every organ in the body, and just about everything else in the universe has its own vibration. The vibration of a healthy liver in two or more different people is always the same. So, if you detect some other vibration in the liver of your patient, it will mean that his or her liver is not functioning in the best possible manner. If you want to, you can compare the rates for healthy organs in the body with the organs in the patient and you will immediately have his full diagnosis! It gets even better: you can do all of that on your own, there is no need for going to this or that medical center, to pay and/or to wait for the well-known specialist to have a look at you and so on.
Online support for endometrial stromal sarcoma
The first is
and is Yahoo group devoted to the topic. The membership has to be approved, which is only normal considering the delicate position these women are in. If they approve me, I'll tell you more about what is inside, and what other resources are in there to help the patients with this catastrophic condition.
The other link is
but once over there, they say:
Please Note: On January 17, 2007 ACOR experienced a . Most of the site is currently unavailable as a result.
so there isn't much to be seen.
I'll keep you posted on this. In the meantime, if you know other online resources for gynecological problems, especially those possibly leading to hysterectomy, please add them by commenting on this blog.
The original page for endometrial stromal sarcoma on my site is
Friday, February 02, 2007
Testing Technorati faves
Uterine Sarcoma
In general, you will be more susceptible to this rare type of uterine cancer if the following conditions are met:
-- you have already had a history of pelvic radiation;
-- if the menopause has already started;
-- if you were taking tamoxifen long-term.
The Signs and Symptoms of Uterine Sarcoma
-- Unusual or postmenopausal bleeding.
-- Pelvic pain, pressure, and unusual discharge.
-- A nonpregnant uterus that enlarges quickly.
Diagnosing Uterine Sarcoma
To diagnose uterine sarcoma, several procedures may be needed:
-- physical examination by your doctor,
-- medical imaging such as ultrasound, CAT scan, MRI,
-- tissue diagnosis by biopsy, hysteroscopy, or D&C.
Please note that Pap smear is a screening test for cervical cancer, not for detection of uterine sarcoma.
Uterine sarcoma is staged like endometrial carcinoma at time of surgery, using the FIGO cancer staging system.
Stage IA
tumor is limited to the endometrium.
Stage IB
invasion of less than half the myometrium.
Stage IC
invasion of more than half the myometrium.
Stage IIA
endocervical glandular involvement only.
Stage IIB
cervical stromal invasion.
Stage IIIA
tumor invades serosa or adnexa, or malignant peritoneal cytology.
Stage IIIB
vaginal metastasis.
Stage IIIC
metastasis to pelvic or para-aortic lymph nodes.
Stage IVA
invasion of the bladder or bowel.
Stage IVB
distant metastasis, including intraabdominal or inguinal lymph nodes.
Therapy for the Uterine Sarcoma
The following kinds of therapy are used in classical medicine, alone or in combination:
if feasible, involving total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.
Radiation therapy
using high-dose x-rays or other high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors.
using drugs to kill cancer cells.
Hormonal therapy
using female hormones to kill cancer cells.
The Astrological Case of Uterine Sarcoma
When this lady's husband first contacted me in September 2003, it was with the purpose of finding a suitable job perspective for him. For live delineations, I insist on having the charts of spouses, kids and other people that one lives with, since it sheds more light compared to the isolated natal chart.
I glanced at his wife's chart and she asked me what will happen within a year or two to her. Her chart was not rectified at that time, so the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Mars in the first decade of Pisces fell into her seventh house. Seeing the transit of Uranus during 2003-2006 over those planets, I just told her she would feel like "Alice in the Wonderland".
-- What do you mean by that!? she asked.
There was no time to answer that fully, and we parted. In June 2005 the phone rang again and it was her husband:
-- My wife has had hysterectomy in May, and is fine now. She had cancer, a sarcoma of endometrium, which spread to the other parts of the body, and now the doctors would like to perform another surgery to clear the cancer cells from the liver. Can we meet?
Her mother never knew exactly when the labor finished, but thought it was around noon, with a possible error of a few hours on both sides. Now that I knew that she had surgery, I rectified the chart so that the Ascendant was on 29 Cancer instead of the previous mid-Leo. The stellium of Sun, Moon, and Mars then fell into the VIII house -- the house of surgery, mechanical injuries, terminal states, cancer... clearly aligning itself with the events in real life. Here is her rectified natal chart.
Read the rest of story here
Monday, January 22, 2007
Polycystic Ovarian Disease
It is estimated that 10% of women in the reproductive age have Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOS for short). They usually have high level of androgens, which are male hormones, and have an irregular or don't have menstrual cycle at all.
Other symptoms of PCOS are:
infrequent menstrual periods, | |
no menstrual periods, and/or | |
irregular bleeding | |
infertility or inability to get pregnant because of not ovulating | |
increased growth of hair on the face, chest, stomach, back, thumbs, or toes | |
acne, oily skin, or dandruff | |
pelvic pain weight gain or obesity, usually carrying extra weight around the waist | |
type 2 diabetes | |
high cholesterol | |
high blood pressure male-pattern baldness or thinning hair | |
patches of thickened and dark brown or black skin on the neck, arms, breasts, or thighs | |
skin tags, or tiny excess flaps of skin in the armpits or neck area | |
sleep apnea ? excessive snoring and breathing stops at times while asleep |
Polycystic Ovarian Disease Laparoscopy Video
There is an excellent video at this page, go and see it.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
How to Avoid Hysterectomy
Reiki Healing in Gynecology
We sometimes tend to think of Reiki as of unspecific energy, kind of a broad wave that engulfs and permeats all levels of one's being and thus, works in the fundamentals -- slowly. But here are the links to several concrete examples how Reiki can be the only type of energy that is needed for healing cancer, nods in the breasts, heavy bleedings, cervical problems and -- as they in ads -- much more!
This page will just contain links and short stories of Reiki healings in gynecology. The examples are from the most visited site on Reiki in the entire Internet,
Reiki and Uterine Cancer
A woman with distended lower abdomen, a scan showing a large tumor in the uterus, probably cancerous. She was scheduled for the operation and in the mean time she was give three Reiki treatments one hour long, by a three Reiki practitioners at the same time. When she went to the hospital, no tumor could be found.
There is much more on this page, if you like Reiki or must get rid of the fibroids, read the entire page on Reiki healing in gynecology.
Hysteroscopy Of Intramural Fibroids Video
This is a hysteroscopy of intramural fibroids video, of a 48 year old woman with extremely heavy periods and two intramural fibroids. "Intramural" here means "inside the walls" -- the fibroids are in the uterine wall and cannot be seen through a hysteroscopy like this. The endometrial cavity looks normal, slightly enlarged but otherwise nothing wrong with it. However, this patient has extreme menstrual bleedings and the ultrasound reveals that the cause of the bleeding is two intramural fibroids.
In this video you can also see the openings to the Fallopian tubes. Everything is normal, but the patient is heading to endometrial ablation anyway.
Endometrial Ablation For Submucous Leiomyoma Video
This is an endometrial ablation for submucous leiomyoma video, performed on a woman 41 of age. (Leiomyoma or myoma for short, is tumor of uterine muscle, usually called fibroid.) The woman was diagnosed with unresponsive menorrhagia; menorrhagia stands for "excessive bleeding", and unresponsive menorrhagia usually leads to a hysterectomy, because the doctors start thinking that nothing can save the day. Operative hysteroscopy enables one to avoid hysterectomy by controlling the conditions of uterine bleeding.
In this case, the method chosen was operative hysteroscopy, using an electrical loop. The electricity in the loop removes the segments of the fibroid.
Removing the fibroid is done in little steps, because the loop is small and can only cut away small parts one at a time. Once the largest part of the fibroid is removed, the surgeon proceeds with another instrument, GyneCare VersaPoint, which is a bipolar cuttery instrument to finish the cauterization and endometrial ablation of the uterine cavity.
In the end, the entire endometrium is removed and there will be no more bleeding for this patient.
Roller Ball Endometrial Ablation For Endometrial Polyp Video
This is an roller ball endometrial ablation for polyp video, performed on a woman 55 of age, with a diagnosis of unresponsive menorrhagia because of the presence of an endometrial polyp.
Menorrhagia stands for "excessive bleeding", and unresponsive menorrhagia usually leads to a hysterectomy, because the doctors start thinking that nothing can save the day.
The method of endometrial ablation chosen was operative hysteroscopy. The endometrial polyp is cut away with a roller ball. Most hysterectomies arise due to unresponsive uterine bleeding, but surgeries such as this help avoid hysterectomy by controlling the possible cause of it.
Endometrial Ablation For Fibroids Video
This is an endometrial ablation for fibroids video, performed on a woman of 350 lbs, with high risk of severe anemia, with a diagnosis of unresponsive menorrhagia.
Menorrhagia stands for "excessive bleeding", so this woman was not a candidate for a full hysterectomy. She had a fibroid in the uterus, several polyps, and a thickened endometrial tissue, which was the mechanical cause of bleeding.
The method of endometral ablation here used was operative hysteroscopy, the instrument chosen is GyneCare VersaPoint...