Sunday, February 11, 2007


Using Dowsing

Assuming that you can dowse, here's what you can do with it:

-- You can check whether the remedies you take are good for you or not.

-- You can check the food that you eat.

-- You can use radionics machines to see what remedies are appropriate; you also can diagnose your illnesses.

-- You can deal with chakras directly. If a chakra is not working properly, you can use pendulum to bring it back to normal. This does happen (the patient gets better) only at your expense. If you use this way to heal someone who is very ill, you may expect to pay it with your own good energy. Actually, in dowsing your finest spiritual energy is being spent and you should not do it ligthly or too often.

-- You can use diagrams to gauge the patients state directly. For instance, if someone has high blood pressure, you can dowse over a diagram to see the exact pressure without any actual measurements.

-- Through radiesthesia (selecting one out of many alternatives with a pendulum) you can create unique and powerful therapies. For instance, you can select all the methods of healing that are appropriate for the patient, then within one method, say, homeopathy, you can select one or more remedies which will cure the patient. When you make a remedy on a radionics machines, you can again check (with a pendulum) whether that remedy is good for the patient and so on.

Click here to read the entire page on dowsing.

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