Monday, November 07, 2005

What Is Lupron?

Lupron is a drug which influences the release of hormones testosterone and estrogen in the body. It suppresses estrogen and is used for diseases and conditions in which the increased level of estrogen is thought of to be the most important factor. Such diseases are endometriois, myoma (fibroids) of uterus, heavy uterine bleeding etc. The FDA has approved Lupron for 1) the management of endometriosis, including pain relief and reduction of endometriotic lesions, and2) preoperative hematologic improvement of patients with anemia caused by uterine leiomyomata (fibroids) when used concomitantly with iron therapy.

What Does Lupron Do?

The generic name (the name of the substance) is leuprolide, while the other two brand names (the names that you should ask for in the pharmacy shop) are:

Eligard and Viadur.

Leuprolide is related to a naturally occurring hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which governs the the ovulatory cycle. Lupron, as well as some other drugs (Synarel, Busrelin), causes the body to gradually quit producing GnRH and that is why it called an GnRH agonist. The patient enters a state of temporary menopause -- a process known as pituitary downregulation. In effect, Lupron shuts down the natural production of both testosterone and estrogen. and that is why it is usually prescribed for the following circumstances:

1) as a palliative drug for advanced prostate cancer,

2) for endometriosis (as approved by the FDA)

3) preoperative treatment, most commonly before endometrial ablation or some other kind of surgery on the uterus.

4) central precocious puberty -- a condition in which a child enters the puberty too soon, including accelerated bone growth and the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

Unfortunately, the list does not stop here. Lupron is being also used by fertility doctors in order to suppress female hormones to start the IVF. They suppress them first and then stimulate the production of multiple eggs in order to increase the probability of success of the whole procedure. Patients usually have no idea that such treatment may harm them in many other ways, as follows.

For the rest of the article and to see how to replace Lupron for problems of estrogen dominance, click here:

Monday, October 31, 2005

Novasure Endometrial Ablation

Novasure Endometrial Ablation is a "flame-thrower" amongst the devices for endometrial ablation. It consists of an electrode with a sheath at the end; in the beginning of the procedure, the sheath is placed through the cervix. The electrode then expands and conforms to the shape of the uterine cavity. The device tests whether there is any rupture of the cavity and will not turn on if there is one. (As a safety measure, Novasure will turn itself off if 50 ohms of resistance occurs.)

Next, a small quantity of CO2 inflates the uterus so that the device is placed properly. If everything is OK, a short burst of radiofrequency energy, for no more than 90 seconds, destroys the endometrium, and the whole procedure lasts for less than 5 minutes. The device will also remove the desiccated issue from the cavity. Most patients can go home within an hour of the procedure. Besides speed, the main advantage of the Novasure system is that no preparation of the uterus need be done in advance. With other methods of ablation, the patient must receive several injections of Lupron Depot two months beforehand the scheduled date, the idea being to thin the endometrium so that the ablation can succeed better. One injection costs $400 -- you will need several of them, so it is very expensive. Not only that: it produces many unwanted side-effects, such as hot flushes, sweats etc. The procedure itself must be executed when the patient would not have her usual menstrual cycle.

Contrary to all that, Novasure does not need thinning of the endometrium, so there is no need for preparation and costly injections, and it can be done at any time of the woman's menstrual cycle.

For the rest of this article please see:

Thermal Balloon Ablation

Thermal Balloon Ablation was invented to rectify the shortcomings of the first generation of endometrial ablation procedures. Hysteroscopic endometrial resection and ablation proved themselves successful in up to 70-90% of cases of heavy menorrhagia, but the former has at least two disadvantages:

-- the surgeon must have an excellent training in the method, and

-- serious complications may occur. Amongst them are: fluid overload, uterine perforation, infection, haemorrhage, thermal injuries, and even death.

Empirical data show that various ablation techniques, for instance, roller-ball and Nd Yag laser, had the rate of postoperative complication less than 4.4%, which is lower then for the hysteroscopic endometrial resection.

Thermal Balloon Ablation Made a Debut in 1994

In 1994 Neuwirth et al. introduced a thermal uterine balloon therapy system. The results achieved with it are comparable with the hysteroscopic endometrial resection, except that the skills the operator must possess are significantly smaller. The uterine thermal balloon ablation does not require endometrial visualisation, distending solutions, high energy sources, and almost never a cervical dilatation. The rate of postoperative complications for balloon ablation is about 3%, while the operative time is significantly shorter. The procedure can be done under local anesthesia in an outpatient clinic, which means the operative room can be used less.

For the rest of this article see:

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Putting RSS It! On My SBI Site, How To Avoid Hysterectomy

Today I have finally took the plunge and installed RSS It! module on my Site Buildit It! site,

It really was a breeze. I had to wait some 10-15 minutes for the orange buttons to appear, but then they appeared and everything worked like a dream. In the meanwhile, I went to and and applied there for the free accounts, through which I would read my RSS feed. Lo and behold! it appeared almost instantly on all three accounts (I had already). Then, posing as my own visitor/user, I clicked with the right mouse button on the orange XML button on my site, set it to Copy Shortcut, and got that back to Awasu, my RSS feed reader. It also worked flawlessly, and I am simply happy!

Also, today I have added AdSense ads on all my pages that were missing them, so it is the first line of monetizing ready!

Now, to cranking all those pages. I have 30-odd pages and I haven't even started already to do what my site is supposed to do, i.e. inform on how to avoid hysterectomy.

For more details on RSS It! technology, click here.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Laser Ablation In Gynecology

Laser ablation is a good alternative to other types of ablation of uterus. Laser stands short for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. It has been discovered in the middle of the twentieth century and has quickly found its way to the various fields of medicine.

Lasers in Gynecology

Lasers produce a hot, precisely focused beam of light, which can remove or vaporize tissue and control bleeding. They are so focused that are somethimes called the "scalpels of light". They can cut and destroy tissues, shrink tumours or lesions, and seal (cauterize) blood vessels to prevent excessive bleeding. In gynecology, lasers are most frequently used for

Regulation of heavy bleeding (click here for general introduction to endometrial ablation)

Cancerous or non-cancerous tumors that cannot be removed or destroyed

Ectopic pregnancy (development of a fertilized egg outside the uterus)


Fibroid tumors

Ovarian cysts

For the rest of the article on Laser Ablation in Gynecology please click here:

Reiki -- The Universal Life Energy Forever with You

Reiki is the "Universal Life Energy". It was discovered in the 1920's by Mikao Usui of Japan. Up to 1980, it was hidden, and then it started proliferating throughout the world. Today there are millions of people initiated into it and it seems nothing can stop this trend now.

Being attuned to Reiki gives you instant energy literally whenever you think about it. The energy usually manifests itself as "warm hands", since the hands of the healer usually warm up quite fast and then radiate heat. Actually, when you take the hands off of the body, this "heat" looks like a breeze of a spring wind -- fresh and mild, but definitively there.

How To Get Reiki

You get it through a process of initiation, or more precisely, through an attunement. Being attuned means that your body field, the flow of your energy, is being permanently changed so that you are in contact with this "cloud" of energy out there. Many people like to call this God, higher energy etc. but there really is no need to define it. It is quite sufficient that it exists and that you can link to it.

How Reiki Manifests Itself

Although the most common manifestation of Reiki being transmitted is warm hands, it need not always be the case. Sometimes the therapeut will not feel anything, while the recipient feels the energy as very hot, and sometimes none of the participants feels anything. It is very similar with attunements. Sometimes, the person being attuned will feel it strongly. Re-occurences of past lives may also happen. Sometimes, just nothing happens -- and all of it is OK. The fact that the energy is not being felt, does not mean it was not trasferred -- probably it was transmitted at higher levels that we can feel.

What Can You Send Reiki To

You may give Reiki to yourself or to others. With Level II, you will be able to transcend space and time, i.e. to send it to the people who are not with you. Attunements can also be done long distance. Once you are initiated, it is only your intent that matters: with Reiki, energy follows your thought. If you send it to your womb or ovaries for example, that organ will feel it and benefit from it. You can also send it to a situation, wish or an affirmation. An example of such a wish could be:

For the rest of this article on Reiki, please click here:

Reiki Distance Healing Can Influence Your Destiny

With Reiki distance healing we understand how Reiki is Universal Life Energy and that it really is not from this three-dimensional world. Its origins escape us but we can use it, transmit it and heal with it. In 4D, there is no space and time, just light and energy; everything is simultaneous. Therefore, Reiki can be directed through space and time, and the intention is all that is needed, once one is initiated (attuned) into Reiki.

The Three Symbols of Reiki Level II

Technically, in Second Degree od Usui Reiki (the classical Reiki that almost everyone starts out with), you get three symbols:

-- the power symbol,

-- the mental/emotional symbol, and

-- the distant healing symbol.

These symbols are also known as the first, second, and the third symbol of Reiki. It is through this third symbol that you actually get the ability to send Reiki through time and space. More Reiki means better healing, and it need not only be directed towards the patients, it is possible to send Reiki to situations and affirmations. Reiki then works it all out, towards the best possible outcome for all. The "best possible" outcome may not be exactly the one that you have imagined beforhand, so don't use Reiki in this way if you are not thoroughly prepared.

How to Send Reiki Distance Healing

Intent is the only thing that matters. You can send Reiki mentally, entirely without any "witness" or representant of the person that you send Reiki to. So, envoke the third symbol, fix the intent in your mind, and start sending Reiki. You may use the following affirmation:

I will send Reiki to avoid hysterectomy, if that is for my highest good.

Technically speaking, the third symbol is the only one needed, but it is only natural to back it up with the first symbol, then make it penetrate all the levels of reality with the fourth symbol, to finally balance all the issues with the second symbol.

Proxies for Reiki Distance Healing

Most people still need some kind of material object to represent the person to whom Reiki is directed. Here are some variations for Reiki distance healing:

This is a large article on Reiki distance healing so please click here to read the rest:

Reiki Treatment in Person

Reiki Treatment in Person: "Reiki Treatment in Person
The classic Reiki treatment in person requires a meeting to be scheduled for the precise time and place. Either the patient will come to the practitioner's office, or the practitioner will come to the patient's home. The requirements for a successful session usually are:

-- eliminate all distractions such as TV, loud conversations, kids presence, phones, strong lights etc);
-- dress ligthly, preferably in leisure clothes since you will be quite relaxed during the treatment;
-- feet are usually bare or with only socks on;
-- you may cover yourself with a blanket during the session, to keep the body warm.

You need not undress, nor will there be need for the practitioner's hands to touch your skin. In some respects, Reiki treatment is similar to a massage session, while in other respects, it is totally different.
The practitioner may and should ask you how to go about the sensitive parts of your body -- the breasts, the genitals, the throat, the nose. The session will be just as successful in case the hands hover over those parts.
You can listen to some music, perhaps one of those New Age modern instrumentals with extravagant titles such as Partner Massage Air, Reiki, Aquariues etc. If the music is distracting, shut it down.

Treatments in Your Home

If the therapist comes to your house for the treatment, try to eliminate all distractions and reserve at least one hour for the session. Ideally, you should receive Reiki in the bed, and that may pose a problem for the therapist. He or she may strain their backs if they have to reach out for too long. If the position is awkward for the practitioner, the patient may be sitting in a large and comfortable chair; the therapist then stands behind the chair and can endure the whole treatment that way.

You can fall asleep during a Reiki healing session and it is a fairly common occurence. Reiki relaxes deeply, which can also be manifested as emotional outlets, crying, sobbing, sadness because of events from long ago... It is a part of the healing and cannot be avoided: Reiki goes where it needs to go, and if the cause of the problem is in the emotional sphere, there can be a spontaneous release of emotions.

For more on Reiki treatment in person please click on:

Astrology Reading, What It Is, What to Expect

Astrology reading is a meeting in which two persons are involved, the astrologer and the client. The astrologer can be a friend, a beginner in astrology, an old hand, a professional astrologer -- it all depends on the circumstances. The client is curious about the future, has his or hers wishes and projections about it, and would very much like to see how it all will unfold.

It is essential that the client seeks the astrologer out of his or her own will. The astrologer has to be active in marketing (if he wants to do it professionally), but passive when it comes to the first contact. It is a grave mistake both for the astrologer and the client if the astrologer forces the astrology reading upon the client. It never works out because the client must be open to the astrologer, must first decide to believe him or her. When they believe, they are on the same frequences as the astrolger, who then gains access to the inner workings of the clients psyche. It is a great privilege and great responsibility when one is chosen to delineate the client's chart!

What the Client Lives Through Before Calling Upon an Astrologer

In the Western world at least, astrology is still frowned upon and too many people don't take it for serious. So the potential client has his problems, lives with them, is being bugged by them, until he finally realises that he cannot solve them on his own. Then he starts searching for the answer first in the nearest circles of family, then friends, then coleagues, then mass media stars, then politicians, then the Internet... Only in the end of that process does he calls up to schedule an astrology reading, conscious that he is desperate and that any help is good, even if coming from an astrologer. (Many clients come with a certain amount of guilt, furious at the world in which no one wants to help them or even care.)

In the East, especially in India, China, and Japan, astrologers are and have always been held in high regard, and people call upon them freely and routinely.

How the Client Uses the Information Gained From the Astrology Reading

In any case, the client is ready for a change of his or her life, and the astrologer is there to make the path wider and more secure. The client is on a crossroad and the astrologer helps him to choose the right direction. In the end, it is the client who decides what will he do with his life and not the astrologer. The astrologer materialises an otherwise invisible grid of energies which will become accessible only in the future. After the astrology reading session, the client will be able to recognize the signs of change in advance, and has his own free will to accept the change, or deny it. In some cases, he will say to himself:

Ah, this what the astrologer mentioned two years ago, and I choose to wait this out.

Or, he could decide

I shall act now in order to avoid...

Whatever the client decides, it will be his or her own co-created destiny, and the role of the astrologer is to make a short report of things to come in the client's life, no more and no less. Actually, all the astrologer produces is information, but because of the special circumstances that precede an astrological reading, that information has the power to change the life of the client. All the circumstances must be exactly right if the reading is to have that life changing effect that everybody is intimately longing for when calling up for an astrologer's help.

Some Usual and Some Very Unusual Questions During an Astrology Reading

During an astrology reading session, all kinds of questions are possible. For five minutes, it is about moving to another town, for the next twenty minutes, it is about health, and so on. If the client is very ill, say, ill enough to be threatened by histerectomy or some other kind of surgery, then most of the session will be spent on matters of health, and on deciding which methods of curing and healing would work best in the immediate future. In such cases, the astrologer should reach out for the methods of medical astrology.

Here is a sample of questions that clients asked me in provate astrology readings or in my live TV show "The Night with the Astrologer", which went on from June 2002 to April 2004. Read it, it's a long list and I am sure you will find yourself in one or more of the questions posed:

I would like to take a loan for a new house. Should I do that and if yes, when?

My own sister is suing me over the apartment that we inherited from our father. I am broken, physically and mentally, should I try to make an agreement with her or not?

I've noticed this small lump on my breast and went straight to the doctor. She gave me something, told me to come back within ten days, I did, and now it really seems OK. Is it really so?

My doctor told me I need hysterectomy for my fibroids. What else can I do?

Should I go for another radiology session or not?

I have just lost my job. When can I expect to get another job again?

I am a pharmacist and my doughter would like to study it too. Should I let her?

When shall I get married? And to whom?

When shall I get divorced? Will I get his money after divorce?

Where should my son go to study piano?

I am 33 and I have never had sex in my life. Why is that so? (This question was posed during my "Night with the Astrologer" live TV show. Imagine this question in front of several hundred thousand live spectators!)

My only daughter went away with a men much older then herself to India. I have received one letter in 1991 from her, saying how everything was good for her, then nothing up to now. What happened to her? (This was a question also in the TV show, live, in 2003. The answer was: she died while passing a high mountain passage, from snow and cold.)

I'm a nurse, retired, and I see that in Italy they are now searching for help in senior citizens homes. Should I apply and if I do, how will it turn out?

You've told us to make love only when we feel like it, and really, I got pregnant in the first month of our marriage. Now my husband has started a new business, but nothing has happened as yet. Can we see you as soon as possible?

We are married for eight years by now and no children. We tried everything, but nothing worked for us. What can astrology say for our case?

My first husband was 24 years older than me, we lived fine but he died. Now I am interested in this single man who is only 18 years older than me. Shall I succeed in marrying him?

We have no children and we would like to try IVF. When would be the earliest convenient date?

The doctor insists that I have a total hysterectomy. Should I do it?

Astrology Readings Change in Time

For the rest of this article on astrology reading please click on:

Can Endometrial Ablation Replace Hysterectomy in Cases of Heavy Menorrhagia?

Endometrial ablation (sometimes misspelled as "oblation") is the technique to stop heavy bleeding during the period. Normal loss of blood during the period is around 25 ml, and anything above 80 ml is too large. Besides anemia and the problems it can bring you, losing so much blood may make your life unbearable. Many women describe this not as having a period but as downright hemorrhaging. It is difficult to live when you cannot sleep, cannot move because of blood, cannot go to work for several days or even for a whole week.

Nature expects you to get pregnant every month. Your body gets ready for that and if the pregnancy does not happen, as is usually the case, the overgrowing endometrium is torn away and goes out. Often it will be painful as well, but that may not be such a big problem. At least, there are ways to fake or relieve pain, but if the abnormal bleeding persists, what is the woman to do? Up to 10 or 15 years ago, hysterectomy was the only solution. Today, there are many means to execute ablation, for instance:

-- Laser ablation
-- Thermal ablation
-- Novasure endometrial ablation
-- Hydrothermal ablation
-- Electrosurgical Technique (Roller Ball or Barrel)
-- Endometrial Resection
-- Radio frequency ablation
-- Baloon ablation
-- Microwave endometrial ablation
-- Cryo ablation

Endometrium is the innermost layer of uterus and if it can be removed, most of the mestrual bleeding should stop. That is the idea behind endometrial ablation -- remove the endometrium, leave the rest of the uterus intact and let the life merrily roll on!

In the beginning, in the 1990's, the ginecologists expected to end all the excessive bleeding in this way, actually, to introduce the patient into the state of amenorrhea. In practice, after ablation, you still get periods, but light or almost non-existant (that would be the best case scenario). The worst case scenario is when you have adenomyosis in the uterus, meaning the lining grows deeply into the muscle of the uterus. Ablation cannot go that deeply, so even after endometrial ablation, some of the lining is still there. That may cause the problems to continue, all up to the full hysterectomy. In some cases, women opt for a repetead ablation.

Are You a Good Candidate for Endometrial Ablation?

To see if you really are, please visit the following link:

Cryo Ablation

Ablation is the process of getting rid of a part of surface, and cryo ablation is using low temperatures for the ablation. Cryo ablation for avoiding hysterectomy (sometimes misspelled as: cryo oblation, cryoablation, cryo-ablation) is the procedure of exterminating the endometrium of the uterus by means of a cryo procedure -- by inducing coldness in the womb.

The idea in itself is not new: dermatologists and primary care doctors have used cryogenic devices since the beginning of the 20th century to treat warts, pre-cancerous and malignant lesions.

The Main Advantages of Cryo Ablation

It is minimally invasive with minimal post-operative discomfort.

Very rapid recovery.

Minimal complication rate.

Is as effective as either modalities.

Can be repeated if the conditions warrant it...

The cryogenic corruption probe is officialy approved by the FDA.

Cryo Ablation for the Uterus

For the rest of the article see here:

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Change Your Attitudes in Order to Be Healthy Again

by Dusko Savic

To many people, the illness comes as a surprise. In a wider context, the presence of an illness is a strong karmical statement that you are not living your life as you should have. The methods of energy healing can help, especially when coupled with astrology, from which we can gain the dimension of time -- when will the disease be at its height, when will it stop and, finally, what energy remedies and therapies are now optimal.

1. You should know your own natal chart

From there you will be able to read in advance when the illness may strike again, or strike the strongest it can. The events in the natal chart should be compared to real life events in order to understand which natal configurations actually produce illness.

2. You should also be open to new approaches to health

Try to consider human body not only as a set of broken parts to be fixed or changed, but realize that human body is only one small part of the Larger You. You are always connected to your own Higher Self, but you may not always be aware of that on the consciousness level. Once you see that we are energies in the body, you will be able to make the energies work for you, instead of against you and/or your body. That is when true healing starts.

3. Be ready to change your life

We are all energy, with parts of that energy con-densed into a body. When we come to this world, the natal chart shows the exact configuration of the energies for you, for unique you. When the energy goes around the chart freely, you are healthy; when the energy becomes stale in one part of the chart, you may becom ill. If the surplus energy is present for several years in a row, it is almost a sure thing that you will become ill. In case of gynecological illnesses, the planet to watch for is the natal Moon and how the transitory planets such as Saturn and Pluton interact with it. To become healthy again, be prepared to change the flow of energy around you, then within you, and to do that, start changing your life starting with little things. If the case has progressed, you will need treatments and/or remedies, but that is only for your benefit, in order that you reach the energy equilibrium faster

4. Be open to distant healing techniques

Even if your present condition is very difficult, you can still be helped through distant healing techniques. Just as is the case with TV picture being broadcast to the anteannae, it is possible to broadcast energy to heal you, where you act as your own antenna! The methods of distand healing can be prayer, Reiki, radionics, dowsing, crystal healing etc. Some practitioners specialize in one of these techniques, while the others -- and I am among them -- prefer to combine as many techniques as is sensibel, in order to produce the fastest healing effect. In spite of its name, it is possible to use distant healing methods on the physically present patients: the effect can only be stronger.

Regaining the basic energy balance of your body, mind, and psyche is the main goal of energy healing. From your natal and other auxilliary charts, it is possible to delineate which method or methods are most suitable for you right now. The methods of healing do change from year from year: once it is homeopathy, some other time it may be Su Jok or flower essencess... only the natal chart can tell!

Dusko Savic is a mathematician, technical writer and Delphi programmer. So far he has written and published 25 books in the fiield of computing, about using computers, programming languages etc. He is also a prolific article writer, with more than 300 of them published in computer magazines. Since 1992 he is also a professional astrologer, with an inclination to medical astrology and energy healing. So far several thousand people consulted him as an astrologer, with questions ranging from "when will I work again", to "should I move to Australia", to "I have cancer of the lung, the doctors give me 3 months more to live; what do you suggest?" From June 2002 to April 2004 he hosted a weekly live TV astrological show, in which people connected by phone and he answered their questions in real time, live, in front of hundreds of thousands of spectators. Recently, he has started to offer his services through the Internet. Other fields of professional interest of his are divorce, traumas, marital infertility... helping people find themselves at difficult crossroads in their lives.

This is a "Shareware" Article(what's that? read on...)
This article is shareware. Give this article away for free on your site, or include it as part of any paid package as long as the entire article is left intact including this notice. Copyright © 2005 Dusko Savic.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Astrology of Endometriosis

This women has endometriosis for several years. She has never been pregnant and has a history of cysts and slow bowel movements due to adhesions towards the intestines. In the morning of 13th of July 2005 she had pains so sharp that she couldn't drive the car and had to pull over for the pain to subside. She lives with her boyfriend, who would like to make it a full family, marriage, kids and all. She is reluctant, while the doctors also urge her to give birth as soon as possible. Her blood tests are OK. Let us have a look at the astrological charts for this case:


Monday, July 25, 2005

Generating 1500+ pages with Traffic Hurricane Pro ve 2.0.

Generating 1500+ pages from Traffic Hurricane 2.0!

For the last two hours I used Traffic Hurricane 2.0 PRO, which is the latest version, and I managed to make 1500+ pages for my site. The links are at the site

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Uterine Fibroids Cured with Homeopathic Mixtures -- an Astrological Analys

Uterine Fibroids Cured with Homeopathic Mixtures -- an Astrological Analys: "How to Use Medical Astrology and Homeopathy to Cure Uterine Fibroids

It may be possible to heal uterine fibroids by taking only the constitutional remedy. It's a long shot, though. If it were possible just like that, there would be no need neither for homeopathic mixtures nor for any other kind of medicine at all.
Uterine fibroids are benign tumours in the uterus, which is a sack of a kind, with cervix as an outlet. How to eliminate them from the body? The following list of actions comes to mind:

1) Stop them from growing again.

Surgery cannot do this without taking away the whole uterus (hysterectomy) or its inner wall (endometrial ablation). A treatment with homeopathic miasms and constitutional remedies can stop the unwanted growths and enable you to continue living with your reproductive organs as a whole.

2) Melt the fibroids down in order to easily remove them from the body.

In real life, this requires a surgery, while in energy healing, this boils down to taking another remedy -- a very non-invasive procedure.

3) Cut them out.

Again, homeopathy can help here, in a non-invasive way.

4) Export them out.

Again, homeopathy can help.

5) Clean up the act -- both the uterus physically and the whole body hormonally.

Post-op treatment can sometimes be weeks long. In homeopathy, there would be no ill effects of anestesia, cutting, bleeding, wounds, etc. etc. "

To see the rest of the page click on the links in the header of this post.

Hysterectomy for a Large Ovarian Cyst Case with Prolapsed Uterus

Hysterectomy for a Large Ovarian Cyst Case with Prolapsed Uterus: "Hysterectomy for a Large Ovarian Cyst Case with Prolapsed Uterus - a Medical Astrology Analysis
This woman is almost 79 years old and had prolapsed uterus since 2002. A hysterectomy was suggested, but she refused. In spring 2004, at a routine examination, her gynecologist discovered a large, 7 cm in diameter, tumour on the left ovary. Now she wanted a hysterectomy, but the doctors did not want to operate in the summer and told her to come in September 2004. Finally, the operation was scheduled for October 13th, 2004, and that was the day the hysterectomy took place. It was total abdominal hysterectomy, the cut was horizontal and 5 inches long. The operation went remarkably well, considering it took 3 hours and 50 minutes.

She was on homeopathic therapy both before and after the operation, also on Bach Flower Remedies and was also given Reiki. In recovery, she used homeopathic remedies and Su Jok in the form of the seed therapy. Let us have a look at the natal chart: "


Flower Remedies to Help You Avoid Hysterectomy

Flower Remedies to Help You Avoid Hysterectomy:
"Bach Flower Remedies -- Become the Person You Were Meant to Be

Flower remedies heal emotional and mental states. A combination of these remedies covers all mental and emotional states, such as confusion, shock, depression, disbelief, difficulties in adapting to a new situation and so on. They work by healing the layers of aura directly, after which all other remedies act better on the physical body.

Bad emotions and thoughts end in the uterus and ovaries, producing 'food' for growths such as polyps, cysts, fibroids, cancer etc. Save the internal organs from emotions, and you win. Take flower remedies and neutralize the adversary energies risen by emotions -- no surplus energies means no food for growths, no food means no tumors -- only health. "


Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology: "The Importance of Medical Astrology
We are living in a material world. You can touch matter, you can feel it, you can eat it. If you are not careful enough, it can also hurt you, poison you, or make damage in numerous other ways. But living only on the material plane is not sufficient for us. Besides what we need, we also have wants, some primitive, some quite sophisticated. There is a difference between the body and the being that is in it.
Our material bodies are material shells for our Higher Selves. We used to be energy beings without material bodies, but somehow decided to dive into matter and gain that experience, in order to better become one with Universe. We are spiritual beings with bodies and not bodies enlightened with consciensness. This is the fundamental truth and the foundation of the main difference between the materialistic medicine of the 20th century and the alternative medicine. In alternative medicine, there is just one illness: an incorrect flow of energy through the body. Compare this with Western medicine and its catalogue of 5000 and more diagnoses. One further difference is that in alternative medicine we deal with the entire patient, who will have various mental, emotional, physiological and/or pathological states. Alternative medicine tries to comprehend the patient as a whole, and not just one of its parts. To the opposite, the orthodox medicine views the illness as a kind of a specilized problem, and offers a specialized solution, often by a specialist in particular field. "

How to Avoid Hysterectomy

How to Avoid Hysterectomy: "A Typical Scenario Leading to Hysterectomy
Hysterectomy is a major surgical operation all too often performed for a variety of reasons. If you have uterine fibroids, you may not even have any symptom, while in case of endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, uterine prolapse, ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, severe menstrual pain, very heavy menstrual bleeding, and chronic pelvic pain there would be many warning signs, discomfort, and just plain pain.
Sooner or later, you find yourself in front of a doctor and are subject to various diagnostical procedures. These may include a personal interview (including questions about your sex life), a vaginal exam, Pap test, laboratory and/or imaging tests. Further measures may include endometrial biopsy, dilation and curettage (D&C) etc.. The choices of therapies usually are surgery, medicines (usually the hormones), or 'watchful waiting'. This last means no treatment but seeing the doctor regurarly, to keep track of any new conditions or symptoms in your body. "

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Astrological View of the "Underachiever Mastery Course"

The whole Internet Marketing world was shaken at the appearance of "Underachiever Mastery Course" (UMC for short). Its price, $1500, 50% of which went to affiliates, almost caused affliate wars: everybody with a list or not, tried to have at least one or two sales, while the likes of Nitro-Publishing went heavily after this promotion. The course itself is quite impressively packaged, with its 22 DVDs and manuals. The real flame behind all this was the success of its authors, Frank Kern and Ed Dale, who in the last months of 2004 were making about 80-100,000 bucks per month, after 21 months of reinventing a totally new wheel.

Frank Kern is a very successful Internet marketeer, however, two years ago the FTC took all of his wealth away and he was forced to start all over, in fields that he new nothing about... starting his own 'niche' adventure. Instead of continuing to sell info about making money to people without money, he started to sell real products to real people with real needs, from teaching parrots to talk to PhotoShop courses. What an epic and romance: a hopeless situation, one small man against the ruling machine... and he succeeds, in a grand way. To make things even more mythical, in Macon, GA, where Frank lives, a terrible ice storm destroyed electricity supply, cables and Internet access from his home, so he had to move to a hotel with broadband access on the day of the launch. Who knows, someone from Hollywood just might make this into a movie... there are so many people now dependant on the Internet that they constitute a large new and still untapped field of interest!

So, the fire caught on. The professionals went for the money involved and the rest of the world was just being carried away by one of the most successful promotions and launches in the Internet history. (According to Franks own words, the essence of the campagne was "doing teleconferences with you, giving you free reports, free ebooks, free audios, and free videos.") Much to everybody's surprise, Frank and Ed decided to publish only 700 packages, making the affiliates frenzy even more. (Carlos Garcia and Mike Filsaime even offered additional 10,000 worth of software and info products if someone decided to buy from their link!) To make things even worse, not even those 700 packages were sold: the UMC was taken off the market after selling 568 courses, in one single day! According to Ed Dale writing in the UMC blog, they want to sell the courses and then disappear back into their own niche markets, where they were totally uknown and secure! (This is a theme you will hear more often from now on about... make money, but don't shout you do it!) Or, to put it another way, they will make more money from their current niche markets than they will make from the Internet Marketing niche itself.

The astrological view

Let us now see how is all this is reflected astrologically. The data for the chart are: 9AM, Macon, GA, 30th January 2005, time zone: +5:00, longitude: 83:38W, latitude: 32:50N. The Ascendant is on 9 Pisces. The result is quite a a remarkable chart, as follows.

The UMC is for dedicated professionals: the Sun is on 10 Aquarius, retrograde Saturn is on 22 Cancer, Pluto and Mars in Saggitarius in the 10th house, in sextile with Jupiter, their own ruler. Jupiter sextile MC supports the UMC as a very successful business, all over the world. The trine between the Sun and the Moon is very beneficial, and the package will naturally blend with its owner.

The term 'underachiever' means that not much marketing should be going on once the site is finished. (For instance, Frank's parrot talking site requires only 5 cents per Google AdWord ad, while making him 3,000 dollars every month!) In this chart, both the 3rd and the 9th houses are empty. The third house is email marketing, while the 9th house is sending it, working from afar. The rulers of the 3rd are Venus and Mercury, on 26 Capricorn and 0 Aquarius, in the 11th house of Internet, Internet Marketing and marketing in general. Both planets are or will soon be opposed by the transiting Saturn, up to the end of July 2005.

Venus also rules the 8th house -- the affiliates... Well, this chart is no good for affiliates at all. The 8th house is empty, and its ruler, Venus, is weak. The other ruler is Pluto, and he is very prominent, on 23 Saggitarius in the 10th house. The 23rd degree is like Aquarius, so it is something about marketing in general and about Internet Marketing in particular. Mars on 24 Saggitarius conjunct that Pluto is a very strong combination, usually denoting part-time workers and/or freelancers. The 10th house is the ultimate goal, publishing (Pluto ruler of the 9th) through freelancers (23 degree). The 24th degree tends to take to far away obscurity, and with Mars on it, that is just what Frank did -- the product just disappeared.

There are three planets in the 12th house, the Sun, Neptun and Uranus. A strong combination of both rulers and the Sun on 10 Aquarius, which also is a goal of the chart. Neptune on 14 Aquarius is money, but it rules the Ascendant and is in 12th -- all will disappear. Their desire to be reckognized as geniuses of niche marketing and then disappear, is genuine... That is what they want, that is what they have done and will contiune to do.

The success of 'underachieving'

Will the 'underachieving' bring any money? Yes, it will, handsomely. The ruler of the 2nd house is Mars, in the 10th house: earning money here is the supreme goal. Mars on 24th degree: so that nobody knows about; conjunct Pluto, an idea whose time has come, something that will terribly appeal to masses; in Saggitarius, a killer 'sports' mentality... Transiting Jupiter will be over this Mars in 2007, so this will become the prevalent method of marketing in the next few years.

Niches in the chart

The 12th house has a strong flavor of 'splendid isolation' to it, fitting well into the elementary meaning of. 'niche' as someone'e small, well rounded and isolated environment, where he or she can act like king of the realm (a strong 10th house -- king). The 11th house -- marketing -- here has a dual function: it contains planets, so it is active and important, but its ruler is Saturn, in detriment, opposed to the planets it is ruling. This is exactly the essence of 'underachiving': scarce and minimal efforts (Saturn) in nursing one site (11th house), which frees you to expand into other niches and sites, without being drowned in the mechanics of Internet marketing. The Moon -- popularity -- is on 8 Libra, Jupiter is on 18 Libra and from February 2 2005 to June 10 2005 Jupiter is retrograde, going towards the Moon.... in 2005, underachieving will be very popular and topical.

Dusko Savic is a professional astrologer and healer studying Internet Marketing from the astrological point of view. He also has a degree in Numerical Mathematics, and has written 25 books on various subjects of computing and computer programming. Through his live astrological TV show and personal consultations, he has helped literally thousands of people change their lives, regain their health and find their own purpose on planet Earth. -- the blog you are reading right now -- a standard 'work at home' site

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Launching of the Ewen Chia's "Stuff Your Inbox with Cash" modular toolkit -- a lesson in elective astrology

How to represent email in the chart? Words, signs, letters, messages, calls, short communication of any kind are represented by Gemini and its ruler Mercury. If you wanted to write an ebook on email marketing, when is the best time to launch it? Since the Moon is the widest possible appeal, such a work should have ideally have the Moon in Gemini, preferably in excellent aspects. That is why I was truly excited when Ewen Chia wrote me that he plans to launch his newest work called "Stuff Your Inbox with Cash" on Friday 3pm, 21st January 2005, Singapore. It is about email marketing: for the first time ever, Ewen and Jo Han Mok are telling it all, giving insights into techniques that regularly make them dozens of $$$. As a part of prelaunch, Ewen offered his subscribers to get the package at $67 instead of $127 which is the regular price from the moment of the launch. Buying the package also allows you to become the affiliate, so there are two questions here:

-- will the book be good on its own, and

-- what's in it for affiliates, i.e. should you concentrate your affiliate marketing efforts on selling this book!?

The Moon in Gemini -- mass email marketing appeal

I've bought the book and will later on write a review about it. But what really got me excited is what I've read from the natal chart: the Moon is in Gemini, and in great trine to Jupiter on 18 Libra and Neptune on 14 Aquarius! What a concidence: without any astrology (as far as I know), Ewen scheduled this launch exactly on one of those two and a half days when the Moon is in Gemini! Seeing that, I asked him when the official launch will be, eventually hoping to learn something more or help him make it even more successful. I made the chart for the given date and time, and then suggested to start the promotion at 3:03pm instead of 3pm sharp, in order to place the Ascendant on 2 Gemini, which would secure money from the whole project. But the pressure to start the site was so great, that he actually started it much earlier and this was even for the better. In this new chart, the Moon is on 11 Gemini, and that is a perfect fit: the 11the degree of any sign has the nature of Aquarius and of the 11th house, which may represent marketing in general. So, in spite of my noble (but actually uninvited) intentions to meddle with election charts, the cosmos new better and put the things aright. The result is that we have a textbook example of overlapping the theoretical meanings in the chart to reality.

Neptune is on 14 Aquarius, and that is money from software. Interestingly enough, this package contains a piece of software called Instant Email Copy which faciliates the mechanics of writing email messages. (From now on, simple ebooks will not suffice any more: the customers will slowly but surely shift towards using software so if you are contemplating a serious ebook to write, please notice the trend.)

The confusion

How do we conclude the real time of the launch? Since not even Ewen is sure of this, I adhere to the rules of horary astrology here, which say that the time to be taken is the time when the message reaches the astrologer. In this case, I take the time when he sent the message to his affiliates, which came as Thu, 20 Jan 2005 20:28:42 UT. UT means the time at Greenwich, UK, but Ewen is in Singapore so I added 8 hours, getting local time at 04:28 Singapore, 21 January 2005. This gives a chart with Ascendant at 21 Saggitarius, quite auspicious for a publishing endeavour, since 21 degree is analogous to the ninth house -- publication, syndication, distribution. The Moon is in the 6th house, so "Stuff Your Inbox with Cash" will be best used as an everyday manual. If advertised as such, will reach the maximum of its popularity, and this popular will be, as I'm sure you have already concluded.

Affiliates, anyone!?

Will there be money for the affiliates? Yes, plenty, especially in the first days and weeks of the launch. Saturn rules the 2nd house (money) and is in the 8th house (other people's money), so affiliates will get their own piece of pie, especially since the Moon rules the 8th house and has such good aspects with Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter will be turning retrograde on February 2nd 2005 and will go towards the natal Moon, which will only increase the popularity and mass appeal. Jupiter will stop on June 4 2005 at 8 Libra, and will leave the exact aspect to the Moon on July 21 2005, so this leaves almost half of a year to cash in. However, Saturn will enter Leo on July 16 2005 and will again be at 4 Leo on April 21 2005, making an opposition to the natal Sun on 0 Aquarius, in the 2nd house. In this period only small money will be coming from this package. In the meanwhile, Mercury and Venus will enter the 2nd house, bringing in more possibilites for cash flow up to February 18 2005, but then Mars will enter the same 2nd house on March 5 2005 up to April 15 2005. This will also make money both for Ewen and for the affiliates.

Interestingly enough, Uranus has no aspects, sitting on 4 Pisces. But it is in the 3rd house and rules it, so classified ads, AdWords and all other forms of "short and small" advertising will also bring money in the end.

The conclusion

When I first started studying this chart, the Moon was supposed to be at 16 Gemini at pretold launch time. But you cannot fool cosmos, and you better not try to. In the actual chart, the Moon is on 11 Gemini, which brings together mass (Moon) email (Gemini) marketing (11th degree). The trine with Jupiter gave the title: Stuff (Moon trine Jupiter) Your Inbox (Gemini) with Cash (Sun in the 2nd house). An excellent example of doing the right things at the right time!

Click here to read more about "Stuff Your Inbox with Cash".

Dusko Savic is a professional astrologer and healer studying Internet Marketing from the astrological point of view. He also has a degree in Numerical Mathematics, and has written 25 books on various subjects of computing and computer programming. Through his live TV show and personal consultations, he has helped literally thousands of people change their lives, regain their health and find their own purpose on this planet. -- this blog you are reading now -- my 'work at home site' with lots of free stuff to download

Monday, January 10, 2005

Astrological Analysis of Locking Empowerism into PIPS

As all the PIPSters now know, Stone Evans, the creator of Plug In Profit Sites, includes Empowerism into PIPS since January 1st 2005. From his blog, I saw that he joined on December 15 2004 at 10:15am -- which is almost all the data needed for astrological analysis. I presumed he did this from his normal place of living and work, which is Dallas, TX, so that gave me the final piece of data to make the chart of that event. This is a very significant chart for anyone interested in joining Empowerism within the PIPS programme. From his blog, we see that Stone himself had usual doubts at first, and it is only natural that anyone considering joining Empowerism under Stone wants to know what will be the outcome of all this. A look at the future is needed here, and astrology is the perfect tool in a situation like this.

So, is this a good business decision? This is affiliate marketing and how is that reflected in this chart? Who will be able to profit from this affiliate venture? How long will this opportunity last and when is the best time to concentrate efforts?

It turns out that this chart contains answers to all these questions, and more.

Is this a strong business move?

Yes, very strong. The house of career and business, the 10th house, starts at 23 Scorpio and ends at 17 Saggitarius. Mars, which rules Scorpio with Pluto, is on the degree of 23 Scorpio -- the very same degree on which the 10th house starts. So, the ruler of the 10th house is on the 10th house itself, which is a strong indication of success. The 23rd degree has the nature of Aquarius -- computers, the Internet, networks, Internet marketing etc.

Mars is conjunct Venus on 28 Scorpio and Mercury retrograde on 12 Saggitarius is also in the 10th house, yielding no less than three planets in the 10th house -- this is a business chart allright! Such a busy 10th house means Stone will try to build a large number of followers, positioning himself as the leader, making others follow him blindly but firmly.The 10th house is about making personal and/or professional empires, both literally and figuratively speaking, so it's a nice link to this very name, Empowerism.

The 10th house is ruled by Pluto, Mars and Jupiter. Pluto is on 22 Saggitarius, together with the Sun, which is on 24 Saggitarius. Pluto, the ruler of the 10th house is in the 11th house, meaning that a significant material award is awaiting in the future. Pluto with the Sun here means the will that it will be so, and since this conjunction is in the 11th house, some kind of marketing is in order. Pluto is this animal part of human nature, the mass appeal, something very basic such as sex, power or money, the Sun is the "I will" principle, so in writing marketing materials you should use words such as "will, power, money, sexy, willpower" and the like -- the more basic, the better.

Pluto is on the 22nd Saggitarius, which has the nature of Saturn. In this case, this means long hours of planning the marketing campaigns. In particular, this degree is about mathematics, so freely use words such as "do your math", "calculate for yourself" and the like.

The 11th house is about communities such as forums, lists and the Internet in general, so the Sun and the ruler of the 10th house in it, denote creating an empire through Internet marketing, which is of course what Empowerism is all about.

The Sun is on 24 Saggitarius, which is a degree of hidden things, meaning that for the best effect in your marketing campaign, you could accentuate that through Empowerism you can become richer and still remain largely unknown. This degree has the nature of Pisces, so put some heavy emphasis on the esoteric side of life -- enjoying music, dance, smoking and drinking alcohol... Also, the ability to go to various faraway parts of the world.

What about the money in this chart?

The 2nd house starts at 18 Pisces and ends at 25 Aries. The rulers are Neptune on 13 Aquarius and Mars on 23 Scorpio. The aspects of Neptune are excellent: trine to Jupiter at 15 Libra, sextile with Mercury retrograde at 12 Saggitarius, conjunct the Moon on 14 Aquarius. The trine to Jupiter will give large sums of money, almost effortlessly and through affiliate marketing, since Jupiter is in the 8th house, the house of other's people's money. The Moon on 14 Aquarius is a sure sign of money, providing some basic people's need is catered for. Neptune and the Moon in Aquarius denote computers, new technology, visionary software techniques... It is also an aspect of fooling the masses, fortunately, the Moon has passed Neptune, so there may be some hype in marketing Empowerism but not too much.

Since the ruler of the 2nd is in the 1st house, the largest sums of money will go to people who write about their personal experiences in marketing Empowerism. This, BTW, is what Stone is doing already, as you know from his blog.

Is this for affiliates?
Affiliate money is represented as the 8th house, and Jupiter rules the 11th house and is in the 8th house. This literally is "affiliate (8th house) marketing (ruler of the 11th house)". Additionally, Jupiter is in sextile with Mercury on 12 Saggitarius and Jupiter rules this Mercury and the second part of the 10th house. This is a very strong aspect, and will help even people who do not know how to otherwise make money through the Internet. Finally, Mercury rules the 8th house, thus creating a kind of perpetual affiliate money machine.
Work from home?

Yes, you can work from home promoting PIPS and Empowerism. Venus and Mercury rule the fourth house of home, and they are both in the 10th house, which literally is a "business from home".

How is this all going to end? Venus rules the 4th house of endings, and is on 28 Scorpio, the sign it is not good at. However, it has a trine to Saturn on 26 Cancer and Fortuna on 27 Pisces, which is the degree of Venus's exaltation. Venus, Fortuna and Mars form a watery great trine, thus linking all the three houses for money (the 2nd, the 6th and the 10th). The bottom line is that promoting Empowerism can be turned into a business and if you do that, it will work out fine. However, here are the relevant transits:

-- The Sun is on Neptune and the Moon on 2nd February 2005 -- this will be the end of the first wave of recruiting for Empowerism. Up to this date, the marketing materials should be in decisive first voice: "I want to do this, this is my decision only, I want freedom... " etc. etc.

The second important date is 8th February 2005, when Mercury is on the Moon. Use as many logical and wordy explanations as is possible.

The third wave is up to 13th February 2005, when Venus is on the Moon. In this period, emphasize feelings of security, saving for the home and better future, solving family problems and the like. Speak to women.

The next wave is up to 9th April 2005, when Mars is on Neptune and the Moon. Use strong, masculine verbs and actions, men are now your audience. Use adrenaline verbs such as "climb, run, action, compete, war" etc.
Jupiter will enter the 10th and 11th house in 2006 and 2007, which will be extremely positive for this whole enterprise. On the other hand, Saturn is in Leo from 15th July 2005 up to 4th October 2007, so its opposition to the natal Moon will happen from April 2006 up to 2nd August 2006. Then it will be very difficult to recruit new members. This will also be a period of weak cash flow, since Saturn against Neptune, the ruler of the 2nd house, will have your payments delayed. So plan for emergency of this kind in advance. You can tear your money away from Empowerism in that period, or just be plain patient, waiting for the things to speed up again.

All this transits are valid only for the people that follow Stone and may not be valid for the Empowerism company in itself, since that site has its own natal chart. (If someone has the natal data for the Empowerism company, please let me know and I might write another astrological analysis for it.

Another important transit would be Uranus squaring the natal position of Mercury, which will happen in 2006 and 2007. Instead of explaining what will that do to you and your invesments, I'll just say that PIPSters can stick to Empowerism during the 2005 but that in 2006 the whole investment should be reassessed.

The PIPS, Empowerism and you

This is the chart of Stone's involvement in Empowerism. He's already made some money from the whole thing, but then, we all know that he can, that's why we have made him our leader. Exactly how this will turn out for you depends on your natal chart and how it interacts with this chart. Without getting too technical, you are off to a good start if, for example, you have something of the following:

-- Sun in Aquarius, or any other planets in that sign
-- Sun in Saggitarius, or any other planets in that sign.
-- Sun in Virgo, or any other planets in that sign.

The final truth will be, as always, contained in your own natal chart, so it is a matter of personal analysis -- if you want it, I can do it for you, for a fee. Send me a message to

and I shall personally reply to you (this is not an autoresponder address).

If you have similar questions regarding you own site, its destiny and future, give me a call just as well.

This is written especially for the fellows PIPSters for the Warriors Forum, but is also published at my blog, at, and also at, my MEGA site.

Dusko Savic is a professional astrologer studying Internet Marketing from the astrological point of view. He also has a degree in Numerical Mathematics, and has written 25 books on various subjects of computing and computer programming. Through his live TV show and personal consultations, he has helped literally thousands of people change their lives, regain their health and find their own purpose on this planet.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Change Your Life for Automatic Sources of Income

I am Dusko Savic, professional astrologer, author of 25 books in computing and using computers. I have a degree in Numerical Mathematics and I can write computer programs, design sites etc. Married, two children. I am also a healer, Reiki master of many modalities, profficient with pendulum etc. etc. My specialty in astrology is medical astrology, and I frequently use and/or advise Bach Flower Essences, which I have found one of the main tools for making life better in general

Recently, I have joined I purchased Diamond membership right away by bying MYOS. (I still had no time to try myself at it but I will.) But, the better part is that I finally was able to download and read Joe Kumar's '30 Days to Internet Success', which affected me deeply. (In case you haven't read it, you must, it is such an eye opener! I do not know for sure, but I presume you can download it from listdotcom even if you are not a Diamond member as I am.) The one strategy that I adopted was from Stone Evans, this idea of Profit Pulling Plug In sites. It is a generic site, fairly plain looking, but shock full of articles written by Stone. The idea is that 160000 new people come to Internet every day, and if you can help them find your site, they will be thankful. And how do you make money with a Plug-In Site? There are five links to SFI, Traffic Swarm, Empowerism, Internet Marketing Center and the like, and whenever someone clicks through them and buys something, you get a slice of the pie. Some of these affiliate programs are residual, meaning that as long as you are a member you are going to get a piece of the income created by your downline. So this is not free, you are expected to pay about $150 each month to these various membership sites, in order to be able to -- eventually -- pull out of it much, much more. (Actually, you really have to pay 25 for Empowerism and 25 for Host4Profit hosting, the rest you do not have to pay for, but then you lose your position in the uplines and downlines.

That is how you invest in your Plug In Profit Site, but how do you make money through it? Well, the money is in the list, but to make the members of your list happy, you must have content to send them regularly to, through your ezine or newsletter. Stone first forces you to get an account at GetResponse and then to immediately upgrade it to PRO ($17 monthly), but the payoff is great: he preloads your account with 201 articles (this is the exact number), that are being sent every other day to the members. That is for more than 400 days in advance! (These articles remind me very much of some Lary Dotson's articles -- 10 Ways to Do This or That -- but the quality is high and it seems people like to read them.) So it solves the problem of content. (If you want to see how this works, send an email to

I chose the name of the Home Marketing Guide, both for the site and for the newsletter. However, I will not stop at that: I intend to write about my journey to success using the Stone's path. He says he delivers years of Internet Marketing experience and I believe him: he is now reported to receive more than 1 million bucks a year and he is using exactly the same site as mine! In his advertising he promises $5000+ per month -- oh, I'll joyfully settle with that any time! It is not that I cannot earn money through my astrology practice -- I can -- but I am limited to existing working hours, and when I am ill there will be no money either... So, it is imperative to make an automatic source of income, and that is the appeal of Stone's Path.

How is this different to everything else? Stone points you to the only way of making money regularly on the Net: you must have a list, a site, the goods to sell, and traffic to the site or a way to increase the number of subscribers. The majority of activity is getting subscribers to your GetResponse account. And, how does he do that, I hear you ask? Well, he buys the subscribers from ListOpt, PushButtonsLeads and LeadFactory! Simple, and I'll tell you, it seems much too simple! That means he spents 3-600 bucks a month to get new 1000 or 1500 subscribers, but he is richly rewarded: from 1500 subscribers he typically milks as follows:

5 Marketing Course (IMC) Sales = $390 in commissions. *
52 IAHBE (SFI) Sales = $416 in commissions + residual. *
61 Warrior/Host4Profit Sales = $610 in commissions + residual. *
13 TrafficSwarm Sales = $65 in commissions + residual. *
89 Madison Dynamics Sales = $1909.05 in commissions + residual. *
$3455.05 in commissions just for letting my e-mail sales letters do their job! *

Is the money in the list? Yeah, verily, Yeah.

Well, that's Stone, he's much more ahead of the game and his system works for him. What I want to see is whether this will work for me if I apply myself and start working at it. What do I have to do? In case you did not read the books, I'll spell it out here:

Monday -- Grow and manage your pay-per-click campaigns
Tuesday -- Create reciprocal links.
Wednesday -- Setup ezine solo ads.
Thursday -- Devote this day to forum networking.
Friday -- Write your weekly article.
Saturday -- Submit your article.
Sunday -- Smile and take a day off.

There you have it -- the best Internet Marketing activities combined, a synergy if you like. After the first 30 days you continue to do that and that is it! That is what I like at the whole scheme: you finally KNOW what to do, when and where in order to be successful. Once I've read a phrase "swimming in the ocean of Internet Marketing" and I liked it very much. There is so much what you can do, there are so many ways of losing yourself while surfing, downloading and the like... The Stone's Path is your sword to cut all the B.S. through: you get a job at home, all you need is a computer and Internet access, but the income is exponentially higher that any other job you might have, since the autoresponders work for you 24/7/365 and beyond.

Please note that you devote one full day to exactly one type of activity. That is what made Henry Ford so rich: separation of physical activities. First you automate yourself by doing only type of a task, then everything else becomes automated. That is the secret of making yourself rich and until you cannot do that, you will not be rich -- as simple as that! Now I hear your huge sigh of relief: I cannot leave my day job, my family will starve if I do, see Dusko, you are talking OK, but I just can't do it! Then do as I do right now: I am writing this at 0:49 AM while my family sleeps. My eyes are getting blurred but no matter: on Monday I start walking on the Stone's Path and I invite you to do so as well. At first I'll have two different 'bubbles' of activity -- one is astrology, the other is for the Internet and then, hopefully, the Internet will prevail.

This is a path to success but it will cost you in many ways. Working at home can be problematic, please read the related articles at What will it cost me right now? Well, I decided to stop that vicious circle of surfing, downloading this and that, checking the email and clicking all those links so full of promise. (Ironic, don't you think -- I do not want to do exactly what I want my subscribers to do!) From now on, I'll use the Internet and not the other way around. But I'll miss these days of my Internet infancy: a few months ago I unsubscribed from practically all the lists that I was subscribed to and the email box was so empty and sad...

It's all about change of your life. In astrology, Uranus is the planet of both change and astrology as such, so my clients are always on the verge of change. Some get married, some divorce; some are worried about their jobs or careers, the others ask whether to go abroad. Having some chronical illness is a sure sign that you are not living your life as you should -- the need to change everything is paramount in such situations. Here, we are not so drastical, we're talking of a career change only: it will not happen in the real world unless it happens first at your head and mindset. There are two tools (healing techniques, if you will) to initiate change: Bach Flower Remedies and Reiki.

Well, that's it for my first post. Please look up this place often and be sure to send me your ideas, criticisms and anything else my writing provokes at you.

Dusko Savic