Sunday, October 02, 2005

Reiki Distance Healing Can Influence Your Destiny

With Reiki distance healing we understand how Reiki is Universal Life Energy and that it really is not from this three-dimensional world. Its origins escape us but we can use it, transmit it and heal with it. In 4D, there is no space and time, just light and energy; everything is simultaneous. Therefore, Reiki can be directed through space and time, and the intention is all that is needed, once one is initiated (attuned) into Reiki.

The Three Symbols of Reiki Level II

Technically, in Second Degree od Usui Reiki (the classical Reiki that almost everyone starts out with), you get three symbols:

-- the power symbol,

-- the mental/emotional symbol, and

-- the distant healing symbol.

These symbols are also known as the first, second, and the third symbol of Reiki. It is through this third symbol that you actually get the ability to send Reiki through time and space. More Reiki means better healing, and it need not only be directed towards the patients, it is possible to send Reiki to situations and affirmations. Reiki then works it all out, towards the best possible outcome for all. The "best possible" outcome may not be exactly the one that you have imagined beforhand, so don't use Reiki in this way if you are not thoroughly prepared.

How to Send Reiki Distance Healing

Intent is the only thing that matters. You can send Reiki mentally, entirely without any "witness" or representant of the person that you send Reiki to. So, envoke the third symbol, fix the intent in your mind, and start sending Reiki. You may use the following affirmation:

I will send Reiki to avoid hysterectomy, if that is for my highest good.

Technically speaking, the third symbol is the only one needed, but it is only natural to back it up with the first symbol, then make it penetrate all the levels of reality with the fourth symbol, to finally balance all the issues with the second symbol.

Proxies for Reiki Distance Healing

Most people still need some kind of material object to represent the person to whom Reiki is directed. Here are some variations for Reiki distance healing:

This is a large article on Reiki distance healing so please click here to read the rest:

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