Saturday, July 16, 2005

Uterine Fibroids Cured with Homeopathic Mixtures -- an Astrological Analys

Uterine Fibroids Cured with Homeopathic Mixtures -- an Astrological Analys: "How to Use Medical Astrology and Homeopathy to Cure Uterine Fibroids

It may be possible to heal uterine fibroids by taking only the constitutional remedy. It's a long shot, though. If it were possible just like that, there would be no need neither for homeopathic mixtures nor for any other kind of medicine at all.
Uterine fibroids are benign tumours in the uterus, which is a sack of a kind, with cervix as an outlet. How to eliminate them from the body? The following list of actions comes to mind:

1) Stop them from growing again.

Surgery cannot do this without taking away the whole uterus (hysterectomy) or its inner wall (endometrial ablation). A treatment with homeopathic miasms and constitutional remedies can stop the unwanted growths and enable you to continue living with your reproductive organs as a whole.

2) Melt the fibroids down in order to easily remove them from the body.

In real life, this requires a surgery, while in energy healing, this boils down to taking another remedy -- a very non-invasive procedure.

3) Cut them out.

Again, homeopathy can help here, in a non-invasive way.

4) Export them out.

Again, homeopathy can help.

5) Clean up the act -- both the uterus physically and the whole body hormonally.

Post-op treatment can sometimes be weeks long. In homeopathy, there would be no ill effects of anestesia, cutting, bleeding, wounds, etc. etc. "

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